1. What is the difference between overtype and insert mode?
In overtype mode text that is entered from the keyboard replaces text located to the right of the cursor. In insert mode text to the right of the cursor is moved a space further to the right before any new key press result is entered at the cursor position
2. What use is a clipboard?
A clipboard is a place for temporarily storing information that has been cut or copied from an application. Once stored, it can then be inserted back into the same application or else into a new application.
3. What is word wrapping?
When text is entered into a document that has a fixed width data entry window (a word processor) then when a word is too big to fit at the end of the current line the word is automatically placed at the start of the next line. The cursor is then positioned at the end of the new word, ready for the next key press.
4. What is a font?
This is a style of text such as times new roman or arial
5. What does indenting mean?
this means to move a block of text in from one of the margins
6. What does cut and paste mean?
To copy text to the clipboard so that it can be copied from the clipboard to a new location in a document. Cutting means copying text to the clipboard and then deleting the same text from the document. Pasting means inserting text on the clipboard into the document at the cursor location.
7. What does mail merge mean?
To combine a file of data with a standard letter to produce a large number of individual letters. For instance, we might use mail merge to send out individual letters to all members of a club. We would need to create a list of members names and addresses in one file and the standard letter in another file. When the mail merge process is carried out one letter will be printed for each member. Each letter will contain the individual own information and it will look like the letter was written especially for him.
8. What is the name of a word processing program that you are familiar with?
Microsoft Word.
9. What is the name of a desk top publishing program that you are familiar with?
Microsoft Publisher
10. What does "import text" mean?
This means to insert text into the current document from a separate file. It is a little like using the clipboard except that the text to be imported is in a separate file and not in memory
11. How would you insert clipart into a document?
There are many ways to do this. The easiest way is to (i)locate the clipart by whatever means (ii) select and copy the art to the clipboard (iii) select the word processor and locate the cursor at the position where the graphics is to go (iv) Paste the graphics from the clipboard. We could also choose Insert Clipart from the Insert Picture option using the pull-down menus of our word processor.
12. What word processing functions could you use to make a heading more obvious?
We can choose a larger font, choose bold or underline and locate the text in the centre of the line instead of at the start. We SHOULD choose an appropriate heading style form the style template. This is a better approach since it will ensure that text headings are standardized throughout your document. It will also make it possible to create such things as a table of contents automatically.
13. Would you use a word processor or DTP program for producing a poster – give your reasons?
I would use a DTP package to make a poster. DTP packages provide excellent control over graphics and text objects that are to be combined to make a poster.
14. What differences in hardware requirements are there for a word processor and a desk top publishing program?
DTP packages are more feature rich than word processing packages. The need for precise positioning is greater for DTP activities. For this reason I would suggest the need for a large high resolution screen for DTP work. I would also suggest that it is necessary to have a powerful computer (lots of RAM and a fast processor) since DTP activities usually involve graphics of one sort or another. Processing graphics is a resource hungry activity for a computer. Large amounts of RAM and a fast processor is also recommended for DTP applications. Word processing activities are primarily text bases. These activities do not need the same amount of power as the DTP graphics oriented applications.
15. What is a standard letter?
A standard letter is a template that can be used with only small alteration for many different situations. A standard letter for overdue library books might be used by a library many times per week. Rather than retype the letter over and over again, the standard letter is loaded and a few details such as the member name and the names of overdue books are added before the letter is printed. Standard letters are sometimes combined with a data file and mail merged.