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Abana reef is a small reef located approximately 5km NE of the Brunei port of Muara. The depth average on the reef is 11m, dropping off gently to about 20m towards the edges of the reef.
What to see. This reef is notable for the wide variety of soft and hard corals and the wonderful array of reef fish. As is the case with nearly all Brunei reef areas, there is little or no evidence of damage caused by man ...
Visibility varies considerably depending on the time of the year, rainfall runoff from Brunei and state of the tide.
Current. The current is slight to moderate, again depending on the state of the tide. It is best to dive here an hour or so before the top of the tide
Navigation. This site is a good test of navigation skills. One rock covered in soft coral can look much like another when there are many rocks together, all scattered over an area of a couple of hectares. One technique that seems to work is to park the boat in an area that is close to the minimum depth (10 m) so that divers can head "up hill" back to the boat. This supplements the variation in compass reading accuracy and current direction changes that can sometimes cause a little confusion.
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